Friday, July 15, 2005

Writing For The Sake of Writing

A lot of the things I have read about writing say you must write to become a good writer. This seems obvious but is harder in practice to accomplish. I started this blog to try to improve my writing. I have this tendency to use more and larger words than necessary to explain myself in prose. It really irritates me sometimes to go back and read something that I wrote and find that it has no flow, that it is choppy. I want my writing to be smooth and easy to follow. If I am ever going to write good technical documents, a good writing habit will make that easier. Writing itself would be easier if I did it more often.
I should be writing more now than I have ever done in my life. I am in college where, arguably, I should be writing so much that it hurts my fingers. As it is, in the two years I have taken so far I have only written maybe 100 pages of material, one sided double spaced.
I am not saying that I need to write mountains of pages, it's just that I know I can write more than I do now.
In some way I realize that most of the things I will be hammering out on the keyboard will look like nothing more than drivel to many people, but that is why I practice.

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