Saturday, July 16, 2005

In Whites

Today I won my first medal in Epee. It is a silver. I really think that I am getting better at epee. Last year I didn't even place. The thing that I kept reminding myself of is patience. Patience got me points. Bravado and impetuousness only gave defeats.
My style of epee fencing is one of patient speed. Wait for an opening. Wait until my movements create an opening. Wait to commit to an attack until it will work with certainty. Attack without hesitation when an opening presents itself. These are the things I aspire to do.
Impatience is my enemy. It was the reason I lost the final bout decisively. I had been tied for the first two periods and very well could have pushed the bout into over time. Instead I rushed and lost ground.
Despite that, it was an excellent match. I loved every minute of it, trying to out wit and out work my opponent into making a mistake that caused an opening. I found a few and my waiting game paid off. But I lost because I did not want to lose.

Perhaps next time I will accept the possibility of failure and not worry about it.

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