Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I Read The News Today Oh Boy

I have this habit of reading when I feel anxious. Especially things that make me want to continue. I like to read books that are slow and complex. But when I am anxious I read op-ed columns. Ususally these make me angry or frustrated. Really not helping at all. But the more I read them the more I desire to read, until I have devoured 20 or so. After, I feel like doing something. My chest melts into stone. what I mean is, I feel this burning desire to change the world, to work against the terrible things I hear about. I know the power lays within me to do it but as of now I have not begun.
The things I learn about the way the world works, the way power is used and channeled away from those who have increasingly little of it unnerve me. I need to get these ideas out of my head so that I can begin to do other things.

Where have my stories gone? They haunt my dreams but cannot impinge upon my concious thought. Perhaps that is what has happend, they have gone nowhere but cannot pass the mental wax I have built up around the fonts of idea creation. I have become ever more effecient at doing a number of things, all of which require creative energy. But in so doing I have reworked the plumbing of that pool and made other paths more difficult to flow thorugh.

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